Verdek™ has extensive experience in deploying highly efficient and integrated microgrids. We specialize in designing and implementing low-cost software solutions that result in efficient operations when your power needs change.

Emergency Power
Many US cities and towns lost electricity for several days after Hurricane Irene and Sandy. Microgrids can use solar panels, energy storage such as batteries, and conventional generators in a unique and independent environment to provide clean power to critical buildings such as:
Fire Station
Disaster Shelter

Remote Monitoring
Included with our microgrid solution is 24/7 remote energy monitoring and support, allowing you to keep tabs on your available power and usage.
Using a cloud-based software called EnergyScope, our microgrid platform is the industry’s most advanced and smart distributed energy resource management system that allows for on-the-go visibility and control.
Call us today for a free consultation about a microgrid solution: +1 (888) 336-3734.